Most acupuncture sessions will be accompanied by some form of Traditional Chinese Medicine manual therapy or bodywork treatment.
The specific therapies included during treatment will vary from session to session, depending on the needs of each person. These therapies work in conjunction with acupuncture - amplifying the therapeutic benefit overall.
Manual therapies and bodywork are most well known for calming muscles spasms, reducing muscle and joint pain, releasing muscle contractions and promoting improved flexibility.
However - they have impact well beyond just the musculoskeletal system - and are regularly used to improve immune function, regulate the internal organ systems, and to promote healthy circulation, among other things.
Manual therapies refer to the therapeutic application of hand-held, or positioned, devices and tools utilized in conjunction with acupuncture treatment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine style Manual Therapy techniques we commonly use include:
Additionally, we offer a number of Western style manual therapy treatments:
Trigger Point Needling
Motor Point Therapy
We also offer various styles of (hands-on) Therapeutic Bodywork - including:
Zheng Gu Tui Na (Chinese Medical Massage & Orthopedics)
Shiatsu (Japanese Style Medical Massage)
Within each treatment session, we assess and integrate the combination of these therapies most suited to your treatment.